Get Information About The Uses Of Dental Implants From Our Novato Dentist

Written by Dr. McConnell on Aug 13, 2024

Without a doubt, tooth loss can wreak havoc on the health of your smile as well as your self-esteem. If you are dealing with tooth loss, it is crucial that you find a restorative treatment that works for you, and that you find it promptly. When tooth loss is left unaddressed, it can start a domino effect of oral health issues down the road.

Today our Novato dentists are going to be reviewing one state-of-the-art restorative treatment: the dental implant. Keep reading to learn more about how dental implants are designed, and how they function in the patient’s smile.

There is one primary characteristic of the dental implant that sets it apart from other tooth replacement options; every dental implant has a replacement tooth root as well as the replacement dental crown. The dental implant root is made of titanium, so once it is in place, it actually bonds to the surrounding jawbone tissue.

This leads us to the first benefit of the dental implant—it stays in place 24/7! This type of permanent replacement tooth allows you to jump back into your normal daily routine, and care for your smile as you do normally. The dental implant root also works to preserve healthy jawbone density and prevent your natural teeth from shifting along your gum line.

Additionally, because dental implants are completely customizable, our team is able to create a visible dental crown that blends seamlessly with your natural teeth. The shape, size, and color of your implant restoration will be modeled after your real teeth; the aesthetic results are exceptional.

As always, our Novato dental implant dentists are happy to give you all of the information that you need regarding restorative dentistry in general, and dental implants in particular. Give us a call to get started!