Do you postpone dental appointments due to extreme anxiety? You’re not alone. Dental anxiety is a significant problem for millions of people who are willing to risk their oral health so they don’t have to experience the stress of a dental visit. If this is a familiar pattern for you, the Novato Sedation Dentist respects your concerns and offers options that will allow you to get the dental treatment you need without anxiety or fear.
We Care About Your Concerns
We are committed to helping you overcome these fears by taking the time to help you understand that you no longer need to view dentistry as a frightening prospect. Combining compassion with state-of-the-art dental treatments, we can provide the care that is so important to your well being.
Sedation Options to Soothe Anxiety
We also offer sedation options that will allow you to feel calm and relaxed before, during and after treatment:
Inhalation Sedation – Also referred to as “laughing gas,” this sedation method is very effective if you experience mild to moderate dental anxiety.
It will calm you and help you feel relaxed and somewhat drowsy.
During treatment a member of our team will be by your side at all times in the event that the level of sedation needs to be increased to keep you comfortable. Once treatment is complete, you will be wide awake but may have little or no memory of the details of your visit.
Oral Conscious Sedation – For patients with more severe dental anxiety or those who are receiving more complex treatment, oral conscious sedation is highly effective. Our dentist will prescribe a calming medication that you should take about an hour before your appointment.
By taking the medication beforehand, you will begin to relax even before you arrive at our office. In this case, the prescribed medication can be combined with inhalation sedation to provide you with a completely comfortable and stress-free experience.
Please Contact our Office
If you’ve been putting off dental treatment because of anxiety, we urge you to contact the Novato Sedation Dentist to make an appointment. We can provide you with exactly the care you need to calm your fears and allow you to take control of your oral health.