Keep Up With Your Schedule Of Professional Cleanings From Our Novato Family Dentists

Written by Dr. McConnell on Oct 11, 2022

Our Novato dentists know that it can be all too easy to fall behind with your schedule of semi-annual professional dental appointments. Life gets busy for all of us!

However, the truth is that it is crucially important to stay on top of your professional appointments. Today, our dental team is here to answer some commonly asked questions about professional dental care.

How often am I supposed to see my dentist?

The American Dental Association’s general recommendation is that patients of all ages come in for professional appointments every six months or so. There are situations, however, that may necessitate more frequent appointments. Patients who are dealing with diabetes, for example, may need to complete professional appointments three or four times a year.

What happens during my appointment?

When you come in for your appointment we will screen your smile for any signs of infection, like cavities and gum disease. Semi-annual cleanings allow us to spot these issues early, before they become really problematic. We’ll also complete an oral cancer screening. And, then, we’ll clear away any accumulated plaque and tartar. Because tartar is plaque that has actually calcified, you pretty much need for it to be removed by professional methods.

What about pediatric dental patients?

Even pediatric patients should complete professional appointments every six months or so. Remember, gum health is just as important as tooth health, so kiddos need dental care even if they don’t have many teeth! In fact, the American Dental Association has said that professional appointments can be beneficial for patients as young as six months old.

Take a few moments now to get your semi-annual cleanings and assessments on the books. Give our Novato family dentists a call, or use the Contact Us page to submit your information and preferred appointment time. We look forward to working with you!