Marin County Dentist Uses Sedation for Stress-Free Root Canals

Written by Dr. McConnell on Oct 29, 2013

Fear and anxiety about the prospect of root canal treatment can cause overwhelming anxiety for many people. Root canal pain is should be addressed as quickly as possible. The Marin County Dentist has sedation options that allow you to receive this important treatment with no discomfort or anxiety. Putting off root canal treatment due to fear and stress is never a good idea, because the fact that you need treatment indicates there is a serious risk of losing your tooth.

Fear of dental treatments is usually triggered by a past negative experience. Other patients may resist treatment because they believe that their dentist won’t recognize when they are experiencing discomfort. Still others are just trying to avoid any pain or discomfort that they associate with dental treatment. No matter what the concern, we find it best to help you understand the reasons you are feeling fear. Once we understand the basis for your anxiety, we can help you find a treatment option that really works for you.

Working with our patients to understand the underlying reason for their anxiety is one of the first steps we take before proceeding with root canal treatment. Our primary concern is for our patients’ comfort and well-being, but we can also provide more efficient treatment when we know you are calm and reassured that you are safe.

If you experience severe anxiety leading up to treatment, the Marin County Dentist can help you through the use of sedation dentistry. Medication can be given prior to treatment to ensure that you are calm and relaxed as we prepare for the procedure. We can provide alternatives to keep you free of pain and discomfort treatment.

Our thoughtful and personal patient care, combined with modern dental technology can help get you ready for root canal treatment with little or no anxiety at all. We will work closely with you so that you can get the treatment you need without unnecessary pain and anxiety. You no longer have to risk your oral health due to fear of dental procedures like root canal treatment.