Comprehensive dental care helps you get the most out of your dental appointments and treatments. Our Novato dentists offer a wide range of dental services, so that we can meet all of your dental needs in one conveniently located office. Today we’re reviewing some of the key treatments that are often used in comprehensive dental care.
The key to any strong comprehensive dental routine is preventive dental care. The American Dental Association, along with our dentists, recommend that most dental patients complete professional cleanings every six months or so. During these appointments our team will clear away accumulated plaque and tartar, and check your smile for any signs of decay or damage.
Preventive dentistry is designed to minimize your risk of suffering from dental cavities as well as gum disease. The bacterial plaque that develops on your smile every day will wear down your oral health over time.
If you do develop oral health problems our team offers a number of restorative dental treatments to help you get back on track. We treat existing cavities, for example, with non-metal, natural-looking restorations. We even perform root canal therapies for teeth that are severely damaged.
We also offer non-surgical treatment for periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is one of the leading causes of tooth loss among adult dental patients in the U.S. This chronic infection of gum and oral tissues destabilizes the very foundation of your smile. Our team treats infected oral tissues using lasers, rather than cutting the tissues with surgical instruments.
Another thing that our dental team will take into account is the overall structure of your smile and jaw. If your top and bottom teeth are not fitting together well, you may experience a range of unwanted side effects—from TMJ pain to uneven bite surfaces. Our dentist can help to bring your smile into better balance so that your smile ages in the healthiest way possible.
We hope that this short article has helped you get a better idea of what is possible with comprehensive dentistry. If you want to learn more, or to schedule a consultation with our Novato dentists, please give our office a call!