Novato Emergency Dentist Helps Patients Get Through Unexpected Dental Traumas

Written by Dr. McConnell on Mar 23, 2021

Dental emergencies pop up at seemingly the least opportune moments in life. Obviously, unexpected dental traumas are stressful and upsetting, which is why our Novato emergency dentists work so hard to provide prompt and effective restorative care.

Dental trauma may arise for a number of different reasons. For example…

  • Teeth can become damaged—developing cracks/chips—in sporting or vehicular accidents
  • Likewise, these types of accidents can lead to tooth loss
  • A long-term untreated infection can result in severe pain
  • Chronic dental grinding weakens dental enamel, which can leave your teeth susceptible to cracking unexpectedly

The type of restorative treatment that you need post-emergency will depend on the type of damage sustained and the current state of your smile overall.

Dental bonding is a versatile treatment that our dentists use to achieve both structural and cosmetic dental results. Our dentists apply custom-shaded composite resin to the patient’s tooth; then we cure the resin so that it hardens and bonds to the enamel.

Porcelain dental crowns are used to restore teeth after a tooth is damaged, or part of the tooth is removed due to infection. Every crown is shaped and shaded to suit the patient. Our team also offers CEREC crowns, which can be crafted and placed in just one day.

Dental implant technology allows our team to replace missing teeth with state-of-the-art restorations that are actually permanently grounded in the patient’s jawbone tissue. Dental implants can be used as individual teeth—with one implant root and one visible restoration to replace a single tooth—or as part of larger dental prostheses. Implant-stabilized dentures, for example, are full dentures that are held permanently in place with just a few strategically placed implant roots.

These are just some of the treatments and technologies that our Novato emergency dentists utilize to help rebuild patients’ smiles. Please call our office to learn more and to schedule a personal consultation with our helpful team!