Our Novato Invisalign Dentist Offers Orthodontic Treatment To Fit Your Life

Written by Dr. McConnell on Jul 27, 2021

Traditionally, many people have avoided pursuing orthodontic treatment because they didn’t want to deal with the hassles of metal braces. That is why our Novato cosmetic dentists are so happy to provide Invisalign as an alternative to conventional orthodontic care.

Through years of experience, our dental team has seen firsthand just how effective and transformative this treatment can be. Today, we’re going to be talking about the ways in which Invisalign is designed to fit into the patient’s life. As you read through this short article, we hope that you get a better idea of whether or not Invisalign may be right for you.

The first benefit of Invisalign is that this treatment moves teeth using clear plastic aligners. So, once your aligners are in place, they will practically disappear, and your natural teeth will be able to shine through. Patients prefer the discreet aesthetic of Invisalign to unsightly metal brackets and wires.

Invisalign also fits into your life because it allows you to keep up with your existing oral hygiene routine. Invisalign aligners are removable, so you can brush and floss normally, as well as use mouth rinse if necessary. While metal brackets tend to accumulate plaque and tartar, Invisalign doesn’t make it more difficult to clean your smile.

Another reason that patients love Invisalign is because this system allows you to take part in any activities that are part of your life. Patients who play sports and wear protective mouthguards, or who play instruments with mouthpieces, find Invisalign less troublesome than conventional braces.

Thanks to Invisalign, you no longer have to suffer through disruptive orthodontic treatment in order to get the straight and seamless smile you want. To get more information, and to schedule a personal consultation, please feel free to contact our Novato Invisalign dentists. We’re here to help you find the perfect treatment option for your smile!