A Stress-Free Root Canal? The Novato Family Dentist Explains How It’s Possible!

Written by Dr. McConnell on Jun 7, 2016

It’s common for people to react with dread when faced with the prospect of having root canal therapy. You may feel this way because of a bad experience in the past, misunderstanding of the procedure, or fear of dental visits in general. However, today’s sedation options and updated dental technology help the Novato Family Dentist perform quick, comfortable root canals.

Why are root canals necessary?

If a tooth is decayed and not treated promptly, the damage can eventually work its way into the root canal of the tooth. This space inside the root of your tooth holds pulp, nerves, and tissue. In most cases, a good indication of root canal infection is severe pain and discomfort. If the root canal becomes infected by decay, a root canal will be the only option for saving the tooth.

What happens during a root canal?

We need to perform root canal therapy to completely remove infected material from inside your tooth. First, we numb the area to be treated so that you shouldn’t feel any discomfort. The dentist then makes a very tiny hole in the back of your tooth. This provides access to the inner portion of your tooth so that the infected material can be removed completely.

Once the infection is removed, the inside of the root canal is thoroughly cleansed. The tooth is then sealed and filled for protection. It may be necessary to place a dental crown over the tooth to protect and strengthen it.

What can sedation dentistry do for me?

We understand that root canals can cause anxiety for many people. Sedation can be very helpful in overcoming this fear, and our team is trained to use different sedation methods to help you relax during the procedure. One option is nitrous oxide sedation (laughing gas) that will help you feel very calm while we are treating your tooth.

If you have a higher level of anxiety, we can prescribe an oral medication to be taken before you arrive at our office. With sedation dentistry, many patients feel no discomfort, and have little or no memory of the procedure at all.

Please Contact Our Office for More Information

The team at our Novato Family Dentist office understands that you may be anxious about having a root canal. But it is very important that you get immediate care or you risk losing the tooth. Please contact our office so that we can answer your questions and provide the treatment you need.